BKCR logo VET (Vocational Education and Training) Mobility Charter LogoWelcome to the

Vocational College

(Berufskolleg Castrop-Rauxel)
School of the Recklinghausen district
Wartburgstr. 100
44579 Castrop-Rauxel

The Berufskolleg Castrop-Rauxel (BKCR) is a vocational college with a course spectrum including health, education, social work, business and administration as well as dual education (school and on the job) and vocational preparation courses. 

The BKCR has received titles, certificates and awards for its proven quality in internationalizing vocational education ("Europaschule", "Erasmus+ VET Mobility Charter"). for actively promoting healthy aspects ("Gute gesunde Schule"), for educating for sustainability ("Schule der Zukunft") and for  exemplary career guidance ("Berufswahl-Siegel").

Our school has been active in Erasmus+, Leonardo da Vinci and Comenius EU programs, the eTwinning platform, and also non-EU mobilities.

Thank you for visiting us.  We very much look forward to giving you the chance to explore BKCR. We invite you to start discovering BKCR by clicking on one of the links on the left.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us.

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